Author Archives: unmethod


Francis Bacon: Human Presence opens at the National Portrait Gallery: “this exhibition will explore Francis Bacon’s deep connection to portraiture and how he challenged traditional definitions of the genre.” More on his approach to portraiture, from the artist himself, in conversation with David Sylvester. And, in case you want even more Bacon, a new book about his work process will be released next month.


The Mataaho Collective wins the Golden Lion at the 60th Venice Biennale for their monumental installation, Takapau. “I hope that young people…see our work and see that there are no boundaries to how they can connect to their Māoritanga or being a Māori practitioner. That you can be inspired by the work of our ancestors and follow a continuum of art-making that is of value, and really is a way to talk about who you are.” More here.


The moment Klaus Mäkelä was named music director designate of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra: “Many maestros would take the opportunity to wax a little eloquent before getting down to business; Mäkelä spoke for less than 20 seconds before raising his baton to start the rehearsal.”